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16.5.2018 | 16:0018:00 | Bonn

Vorstellung IWF-Bericht: Macroeconomic Developments and Prospects in Low-income Development Countries

Ankündigung des Veranstalters

International Monetary Funds annual report on Macroeconomic Development and Prospects in Low-Income Development Countries – 2018 will be presented by two of the authors, Hans Weisfeld and Wes McGrew, Deputy Division Chiefs in the IMF’s Strategy, Policy, and Review Department. It is the fourth in an annual series of reports that look at trends and socioeconomic indicators of Low Income Developing Countries (LIDCs). Jürgen Kaiser, Coordinator of / Jubilee Germany, will comment on the report. The event will be followed by a reception with drinks and fingerfood.

A key messages of the report is that public debt and debt service levels have risen leading to increased debt vulnerabilities in many LIDCs. Countries now at high risk of debt distress face a tight fiscal envelope with limited borrowing space. The report stresses that creditors need to exercise due diligence in their lending decisions and to develop modalities for engaging in debt restructuring operations. Lenders should consider the benefits of subscribing to principles for sustainable lending and borrowing, such as those being championed by the G-20, and of working with existing international fora for creditor information sharing and coordination.

Other key issues of the report include:

  • Low growth rates: Growth improved broadly across LIDCs in 2017. However, output growth in commodity exporters continues to lag behind levels achieved in 2010-14.
  • Weakening of fiscal positions: There has been a broad-based weakening of fiscal positions in LIDCs in recent years. Increased fiscal pressures contributed to rising stress in financial sectors in many LIDCs.
  • Increased debt levels: Debt burdens and vulnerabilities have risen significantly since 2013 in many LIDCs, reflecting a mix of factors including exogenous shocks and loose fiscal policies.
  • Changes in debt structures: The composition of public debt in LIDCs continues to shift from traditional sources towards non-Paris Club bilateral lenders, commercial external debt, and domestic debt.


16:00 Welcome by Dr. Peter Wolff, Co-Chair, Programme Transformation of Social and Economic Systems, DIE

16:15 Presentation by Hans Weisfeld and Wes McGrew, IMF

16:45 Comments by Jürgen Kaiser, Coordinator of / Jubilee Germany

17:00 Q&A with the audience

18:00 Reception with drinks and fingerfood


Please register with until 15 May.

Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Tulpenfeld 6, Bonn


Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)