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14.4.2021 | 16:0017:30 | online

Online Conference: ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development – Panel II: Developing durable solutions to recurrent debt crises

Vom 12.-15. April 2021 findet das diesjährige ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development statt. Am Mittwoch, dem 14. April, ist Kristina Rehbein as Lead Discussant zum Thema „Developing durable solutions to recurrent debt crises“ eingeladen. Die Sitzung wird voraussichtlich ab 16 Uhr deutscher Zeit live im UN Web-TV übertragen.

Mittwoch, 14.04.2021, 16:00-17:30 Uhr:

Panel II: Developing durable solutions to recurrent debt crises

Growing debt levels are hampering implementation of the 2030 Agenda in a growing number of countries across the globe. The pandemic has exacerbated the debt challenges in many developing countries. Debt relief measures in response to the pandemic such as the DSSI by the G20 provided breathing space for eligible countries, but more durable solutions are urgently needed to prevent and resolve debt crises and retain fiscal space for SDG investments. Fiscal challenges also highlight the need to expand concessional finance for the most vulnerable countries. This session will examine both immediate additional steps, as well as longer-term solutions.

Moderator: Mr. Jeremy I. Bulow, Professor, Economics at Stanford Business School

Keynote Address: Ms. Jutta Urpilainen, European Comissioner on International Partnerships


  • The Honourable Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Attorney-General and Minister for Economy, Civil Service and Communications, Fiji [Video Message]
  • H.E. Mr. Hammad Azhar, Federal Minister of Finance and Revenue, Pakistan
  • H.E. Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu, Minister of Finance, Zambia
  • Mr. Jeffrey Sachs, University Professor and Director, Center for Sustainable Development Columbia University

Lead discussant: Ms. Kristina Rehbein, Management and Political Coordination, (Jubilee Germany)

Das Gesamtprogramm des Forums ist hier online abrufbar.

