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29.9.202030.9.2020 | online

Online Conference: Educating Citizens for Financial Justice

Green Cactus Save the Date Postcard-29-30092020

Virtuell stattfindende Konferenz im Rahmen des EU-geförderten Projekts „Citizens for Financial Justice“ (CFJ). Der erste Konferenztag ist öffentlich, der zweite nur für Partnerorganisationen des Projekts zugänglich. Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt.

+++ Info: Die Konferenz war ursprünglich für Ende Juli 2020 geplant und wurde aus organisatorischen Gründen auf Ende September verlegt. +++

Bild: Citizens for Financial Justice

Invitation of the Organizers

Educating Citizens for Financial Justices is an online conference exploring tools, methods and activities to educate citizens in financial justice.

The conference will take place over two mornings.

Day 1 (Tues 29th Sept, 10.15am – 1.45pm CET). Open to Citizens for Financial Justice participants, and invited educators, policy-makers or other colleagues and stakeholders.

Schedule, programme and speakers

Day 2 (Wed 30th Sept, 10.15am – 1.45pm CET). Closed session for Citizens for Financial Justice participants only.

Language: English


CFJ participants should register for both days.
External invitees / speakers (non-CFJ participants) should register for day one only.

Please register here (website of the organizers).




Financial Justice Ireland
Citizens for Financial Justice